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Where Can a Career in Digital Marketing Take You?

By Emma Tee on

Known as the ‘Decade of Disruption’, the past ten years have seen technology advance, more than we could have imagined. From the introduction of the Apple watch and the emergence of electric cars through to the surge in augmented reality, the increased use of voice notes, and the perpetual fear of AI taking your job – things seem to have changed within the blink of an eye. 

We can’t comprehend or even guess what the next ten years will hold, but what we do know is that a career in digital marketing will continue to be fruitful, even if platforms such as Threads and BeReal go down the same road as Bebo and MySpace. (If you take one this from this blog post, please let it be this TikTok of the missed but never-forgotten Myspace Tom!).

With more businesses adopting digital marketing (even the ones you wouldn’t ordinarily think of), the demand for skilled digital marketers has skyrocketed and will continue to do so, making it a promising and exciting career choice. But, where can a career in digital marketing take you? In this blog post, we’ll explore the abundance of opportunities and destinations a career in digital marketing can lead you.

  1. Endless Specialisations: The remarkable thing about a career in digital marketing is the diversity it provides. From SEO, PPC and social media marketing to content marketing, email marketing and CRM, there are endless opportunities. Starting your career in a broader role will enable you to see where your passions lie and hone your skills in a specific area that suits you, your interests, and your strengths. Whether you have a passion for creating powerful, awe-inspiring content or analysing data to tweak campaigns, there will be a niche for you. 
  2. Different Industries: The fantastic thing about digital, is that it’s not confined to a particular industry or sector. As we mentioned earlier, more and more businesses are focusing on digital and it’s now a career that spans all industries. You could be a Community Manager for a fashion brand, a Digital Account Executive for an integrated agency, a Digital Marketing Manager within the legal sector, or even an SEO Manager for a charity. The possibilities really are endless and the versatility means that a career in digital marketing can take you virtually anywhere. You can choose to work for a specific industry that aligns with your interests or explore various fields to expand your horizons and enhance your skill set.
  3. Diverse Career Paths: A career in digital doesn’t have to be one-dimensional, it opens the door to diverse career paths. Starting in an entry-level digital marketing role, you’ll be able to work your way up to become a Digital Marketing Manager, Director, or even a Chief Marketing Officer. After a good number of years in the industry, you could even choose to take your own path and become a Freelance Digital Marketer, a Digital Consultant, or use up your entrepreneurial spirit to start your own digital marketing agency. The possibilities really are limitless. 
  4. Remote Work Options: If there’s one thing that’s changed in recent years, it’s the move towards remote work. Although there is a call for people to return to the office, many businesses have embraced remote work after seeing the benefits to the business and its people. Whether it’s a home office, a co-working space, or if you’re one of the lucky ones, a white sandy beach somewhere on the Greek Islands – it’s a trend that you’ll likely be able to take advantage of if you choose a career in digital marketing. 
  5. Continuous Learning and Growth: We don’t think there is one ‘Head of Digital’ out there who will confidently say they know everything about digital, simply because digital marketing is a field that never stands still. The ever-evolving technologies and social platforms mean that you will always have opportunities to learn and grow in your career. Staying updated with the latest trends, platforms, and best practices will not only make you more valuable as a professional but will also keep your job exciting and challenging.
  6. Impact and Creativity: Digital marketing enables you to make a significant impact on a company’s success with your work directly influencing brand awareness and, in turn, revenue growth. On top of that, think of the creativity you’ll enjoy every day. A career in digital marketing offers a unique creative outlet that will see you design innovative campaigns, create compelling content, and experiment with strategies.

To put it simply, a career in digital marketing is a journey that’s full of possibilities. It’s diverse and constantly evolving, making it an excellent career choice for someone who is looking to explore different industries and roles. Whether you’re just starting your career journey or looking to transition into a new career, digital marketing is a career worth pursuing. 

You’ll enjoy where it takes you. 🚀