10 ways to improve your job search.
I do appreciate how hard it is trying to move up the career ladder, so hope the below is a help.
- Don’t take the search lightly. Your career is important, complacency is not an option. It takes time, commitment, and perseverance. In some respects, looking for a new opportunity can sometimes be like a job in its own right. Some people are lucky and are handpicked but, for the vast majority, it can take a lot of applications, first and second interviews, sometimes even a third-round, just to nail one job. Be prepared to take time out and give it your full attention.
- Take time to think it through. It’s all too easy, after a bad day, to rush headlong into a frenzied job search. You need to know if the changes you are about to make will actually make things better or worse.
- Your Cv, obvioulsy, is very important. Never underestimate its power & there is no magic formula. However, do make it easy for people to put you straight into the ‘Yes’ pile by presenting clear, concise, and relevant information that matches your skills and experience to the role you’ve applied for. Ensure your Linkedin profile is aligned to your CV too. Discrepancies will be picked up. There’s a lot of professional stalking going on so, don’t create any room for doubt.
- Do use your phone. In particular to respected recruiters – they’ll welcome it. Talking can help overcome any doubt someone may have about your CV, and it also demonstrates a genuine interest. It’s an exceptional way of getting to put your case forward, enable you to gain a true understanding of the role & build better relationships.
- Basic CV ingredients. They’ve changed significantly over the years so feel free to be as inventive as you please. But, remember some ground rules. Make sure people can get hold of you, quick. It’s ideal to contain a brief summary / overview of your poignant skills & attributes. Please avoid a long list of complimentary adjectives. Career history – keep it mean & lean. Education – chronological order. Interests -make them stand out. It does not have to be in this particular order but, do make it easy for the reader to get a grip of who you are.
- Have a plan. This may sound obvious but you need to give it a lot of thought. Approaching the jobs market with a vague picture of what you want never ends well. I’ve helped hundreds of people over the years and those that have a clear picture of what they want next, tend to hit the target more often than not. If you don’t, you could end up anywhere and whilst it may make you content for a short while, I doubt many people end up being successful merely by chance.
- Work hard at getting what you want. People can sometimes give up too easily on their job search following a few setbacks. You have to persevere. It won’t be easy and you will take a few hits but it’s all a learning curve. You will also have to get outside your comfort zone and that doesn’t mean going fire-walking but expanding your horizons will enable you to grow as a person and will give you more confidence & backbone.
- Don’t stagnate and get stuck in a rut. Too many people put up with poor managers or pay and it isn’t right. Once you start getting a reoccurring feeling of dread going to work, it is time to go. It is no longer acceptable to continue in a role without thinking about what we do and, the effect it has. Every job and company will have some downsides but if it’s causing you endless grief, it’s time to go and maybe even a time to contemplate a change of career.
- Be aware of the “hidden job market.” In a healthy job market, not all available opportunities are advertised. In a slow economy, fewer jobs are made public. Dig deeper into uncovering unadvertised opportunities by looking at the news section of potential employers’ websites and if they’re growing, it will normally mean they’ll need new people on board. Networking and attending relevant events are also decent ways of unearthing potential opportunities. Making more direct contacts with potential employers on Linkedin is a wise path to follow too, but do ensure your approach is considered and well-thought-out.
- Your career is not a race. The jobs market is changing and people aren’t necessarily looking for long-term opportunities anymore and are more open to moving jobs. However, don’t fall into the trap of moving here, there, and everywhere because, it will have repercussions in the long run. Aim to enjoy your career and the rest should normally take care of itself.