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3 Homeworking Benefits.

By Ellis Rigby on

Flexible working is a much sought-after perk, and considering the current climate, can be a beneficial one.

It’s an approach that we fully support – why wouldn’t you want to work from home every now and again.  In fact, Simon can usually be found at home on a Tuesday and calls it his ‘mental health day’ – we think it’s probably because he needs a break from us, and we can’t blame him…

Homeworking, however, is a different kettle of fish! As a team, we aren’t too keen on working from home each and every day and know that most of you out there are in the same boat.  As humans, we are also social creatures & need interaction, so suddenly having to adapt to this new approach to work, like many of us have, can be a bit of a struggle.

To help ease the change, we’ve come up with three benefits of homeworking so if you are feeling a little stir crazy you can always come back to these!

  1. It’s time to get stuff done: Get that project you’ve been putting off out of the way! With less distraction from the usual office interruptions, such as gossip, banter & numerous tea/coffee breaks, you can get cracking and dedicate your time to it.  Just think how much more time you’ll have with no phones ringing, less colleagues around to have a natter with, and less time spent finding more interesting work to do.
  2. Less stress, more money: Okay, if you’re home working with kids running around the house, this may not be the case… but just think about how less stressed you’ll be without the travel into work.  Think about all the traffic you’re not going to hit, not to mention the money you’ll save in travel expenses.  I’m probably saving close to £100 per month.  It also means that you gain your travel time back, for me that’s over an hour a day to do with what I want.  Use it selfishly, to do what you want or need to do – read a book, go for a walk, have a nap… the possibilities are almost endless.
  3. Custom environment and flexible schedule: Working from home means that you can make your environment your own, a dedicated space just for you.  It can be a happy haven, one that you have your say on, let in who you want and close the door on those distractions we talked about.  Create a banging Spotify playlist that you don’t have to be embarrassed to share with your colleagues (that comes from a Britney and My Chemical Romance fan), have a collection of podcasts at the ready (I can wholeheartedly recommend ‘All Killa No Filla’ to get you through!) and, adapt a schedule that works for and your team.

It’s a very difficult & stressful time at the moment, one that’s continually changing but, we are taking a business as usual approach as best as we can and mustn’t forget – we’re all in it together!

Now it’s time to get cracking! ?