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Hiring Marketers And The Perils of Poor Interviews

In the world of creative and marketing hiring, success hinges not only on crafting compelling ads and eye-catching job descriptions but also on the art of interviewing. If you find yourself struggling to hire the right talent, it might be time to reevaluate your interviewing approach and, more importantly, who’s…

By Simon on Read more

Where Can a Career in Digital Marketing Take You?

Known as the ‘Decade of Disruption’, the past ten years have seen technology advance, more than we could have imagined. From the introduction of the Apple watch and the emergence of electric cars through to the surge in augmented reality, the increased use of voice notes, and the perpetual fear…

By Emma Tee on Read more

Choosing the Perfect Candidate for Your Dream Team!

Ask any business owner what the most challenging aspect of owning their own company is and we can almost guarantee that almost all will answer ‘hiring’. When it comes down to it, choosing the perfect candidate is hard. Hiring is a headache, it’s why we’re here (if you need us, give…

By Emma Tee on Read more

Mastering Marketing: Unveiling the Traits of Top-Notch Marketers!

In our 35 years, we’ve met our fair share of successful Marketers (we wouldn’t like to know how many it would make us feel old!).  Throughout our years, the biggest lesson we’ve learnt is that success isn’t just determined by education or knowledge of the latest marketing trends and platforms…

By Emma Tee on Read more

Attracting Creative Marketers: Strategies for Success

In the wild midst of hiring, companies often find themselves in a predicament: they’re desperately seeking a creative marketer but can’t seem to entice the right talent. Why is that you ask? The below may help.   The Bland Job Ad Picture this: you’re scrolling through your LinkedIn feed, sipping…

By Simon on Read more